Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often co-occurs with anxiety disorders. About 50% of the population who have ADHD also have higher levels of anxiety and depression. A lack of attention, impulsive behavior, and hyperactive nature often characterize ADHD. ADHD patients often make their lives more stressful, creating situations and environments that lead to uncertainty and restlessness which is the primary cause of anxiety disorder. But there are ways to cope with both of these situations. In this blog, we will see the connection between anxiety and ADHD, the risk factors of this fatal connection, and its remedies whether it is medical or lifestyle changes.
Defining ADHD and Anxiety
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
ADHD is one of the most common chronic and debilitating mental disorders which affects the life of individuals in many aspects including academic and professional life, interpersonal relationships, and daily life. It leads to low self-esteem and affects daily functioning if not treated properly, which ultimately leads to anger issues and mood disorders.
Anxiety Disorder
A person with anxiety disorder experiences feelings of nervousness, worry, and fear all the time. Although there is occasional anxiety which is normal, if you feel worried or nervous all the time, it is because of anxiety disorder. These feelings often interfere with daily lives and affect a person’s relationships.
There are different types of anxiety disorders including, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and panic disorder.
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Connection Between ADHD and Anxiety
There might be a misconception that ADHD is an anxiety disorder. No, ADHD is not an anxiety disorder. Although they occur simultaneously, anxiety can also occur without ADHD.
If a person with ADHD misses a meeting or forgets to study for an important test, it can trigger anxiety or nervousness. Similarly, the fear of forgetting something important can cause them anxiety. Sometimes the medicines that are used for the treatment of ADHD, amphetamines, can also cause anxiety problems. Severe levels of ADHD can also lead to depression.
Signs and Symptoms of Coexisting ADHD and Anxiety
ADHD mostly occurs with another psychotic problem. In youngsters, it is usually difficult to differentiate between anxiety and ADHD because they usually occur together but there are some common symptoms of anxiety and ADHD. If you feel difficulty in socializing, impatience or uneasiness all the time, inattentive behavior, or fail to complete the work on time, then this may be a sign of having both anxiety and ADHD.
In children, ADHD usually occurs with OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), but when it occurs with anxiety the signs may be different. For example, if they become argumentative in an aggressive way, cause trouble in class, play video games or watch TV most of the time, telling lies about schoolwork or other responsibilities then these are the signs that they have ADHD anxiety issues.
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How to Tell the Difference?
Although family and friends can tell easily from the behavior of the child or person, a medical professional will have to do a complete evaluation to understand the problem. Basically, ADHD is caused by the signs of inattention or impulsive behavior. On the other hand, Anxiety is caused by the feeling of fear, nervousness, and worry.
A person with anxiety finds it difficult to concentrate on tasks that make him nervous or anxious. And a person with ADHD finds it difficult to focus on almost all tasks, all the time.
Treatment of ADHD and Anxiety
When ADHD and anxiety occur together, it is very difficult for you to focus on your daily activities. You cannot perform any task with concentration and it also affects your interpersonal relations with other people and family members. So, it becomes a necessity to treat your medical condition for a better quality of life.
Treatment may vary depending on the situation of the person. Sometimes, it is recommended to only treat one of them at a time to stabilize the situation. There are also times when treating the one anxiety or ADHD also benefits the other. For example, if ADHD is the cause of anxiety then treating ADHD also helps control anxiety problems. Sometimes, for treating ADHD and anxiety, patients have to take medication for both of them simultaneously.
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Treatment Options
The type of treatment for ADHD and anxiety mostly depends on the situation of the patient. There are different solutions for different kinds of patents and situations. Solutions include:
- Lifestyle modifications
- Medications
- Therapies
Lifestyle Modifications
The most commonly used treatment of ADHD and anxiety is lifestyle changes. Actually, it is the best treatment because you don’t have to take any pills or do not go to any therapies. Little changes in your routine can help you deal with anxiety and ADHD. These include:
Get enough sleep: Try to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours. Tiredness can cause anxiety, meditate or take a bath before bed. A study revealed that anxiety in children with ADHD is linked to sleep disturbances.
Exercise Regularly: Exercise can release anxiety in several ways. 30 minutes of exercise daily can reduce anxiety and keep control of ADHD. It also helps you boost your mood.
Create a schedule: ADHD patients find it difficult to complete tasks, making a schedule can help with ADHD, and completing tasks on time will help you keep control of your anxiety.
Eat Nutritional Food: Insufficient nutrition can worsen your symptoms. Eating nutritional and healthy food and keeping hydrated help you control anxiety. Good food also helps in good sleep.
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Medications are most commonly used in the treatment of ADHD. But if the patient also has anxiety issues then it does not work well. The stimulant medicine for ADHD can cause anxiety issues, so that is why doctors suggest using non-stimulants in this case. If several pills are not required or the patient does not want to take so many pills, then only one problem is treated at a time.
Therapies and Relaxation Techniques
One of the most efficient ADHD and anxiety treatments is through therapies. Here are some therapies that are used to treat ADHD and anxiety.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This technique is used to change their thinking patterns to positively influence their behavior. It is widely used in anxiety disorders and is an effective solution for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and other anxiety disorders.
Relaxation Techniques: Relation techniques can also be used for treating both of them. You can try out meditation, muscle relaxation, and deep breathing exercises to slow your heartbeat and muscle tension to boost your mood.
Read More: Generalized anxiety vs panic disorder: A Closer Look
This is everything about ADHD and Anxiety and we hope we have comprehensively answered all the questions related to the connection between ADHD and anxiety.
If you are looking for self-care solutions or medical treatments for ADHD and anxiety, Orange Coast Psychiatry is your go-to solution. If there is anything else that we can help you with, we will still be at your service.