ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder as it is known to be, is a neurodivergent mental condition that affects millions, usually in childhood. It is debilitating in the sense that it does affect the everyday lives of affected individuals. In this blog, we are here to discuss how it can affect in one particular way, which is what forms the point of discussion in the words below. We’ll also be discussing the Ring of Fire ADHD brain scan and its importance.
Defining ADHD
Before we try to understand Ring of Fire ADHD, we need to come to terms with ADHD itself, then only Ring of Fire will become understandable. ADHD, as mentioned before, is a neurodivergent condition that affects the executive functioning of the affected individual. This means that it is the type of condition that makes affected individuals a little different from normal people as neurodivergence literally means that a brain functions atypically when compared to a normal one.
And when we are talking about how it affects the executive functioning of the affected individual then we are essentially talking about how cognitive processes that are needed to sustain life every day are essentially affected by the symptoms of ADHD, such as inattentiveness, restlessness, time-blindness, impulsiveness, disorganization, and procrastination. It mostly affects people in their childhood but if it is left untreated it can change its shapes and sizes (which we are going to discuss in the next section) and can go well into adulthood.
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What is Ring of Fire ADHD?
ADHD is a broad term now because this mental condition has many different subtypes, which are characterized by one defining feature. One of these subtypes is called the Ring of Fire, and there is a specific reason behind this name. It is essentially one of the seven distinctive types of ADHD with the other six being (Amen, 2013):
- classic ADHD
- inattentive ADHD
- over-focused ADHD
- temporal lobe ADHD
- limbic ADHD
- anxious ADHD
It should be noted these types need more research to ensure diagnosis and treatment is provided accordingly!
As mentioned before, Ring of Fire ADHD is a proposed subtype of ADHD. It is associated with a wide range of severe and often unpredictable symptoms stemming from generalized overactivity across the brain that often resembles those of bipolar disorder or Major Depressive Disorder. These Ring of Fire ADHD symptoms include:
- High sensitivity to sensory stimuli such as noise, light, or even touch
- Anxiety
- Unpredictable & challenging behaviors that can also lead to aggression
- Cyclic mood changes that go from high to low that often contribute to a mood disorder
- Inflexible and rigid thinking
- mean, or insensitive comments by affected individuals
- Increased talkativeness, or increased impulsivity
- Grandiose thinking
- The affected individual becomes demanding as much as one can
- Racing thoughts and rapid speech
- Irritability
Read More: The Struggles Of Living With Time Blindness ADHD
These overbearing and overactive symptoms frequently light up the brain’s activity centers when seen through Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging, which is a type of imaging test used to identify variations in brain activity and blood flow (which also helps identify the other subtypes of ADHD), you will see a pattern that resembles a ring of fire. This is where the name of Ring of Fire ADHD comes from as the origin is essentially a Ring of Fire ADHD brain scan.
What’s The Similarity (And Differences) Between Ring of Fire ADHD and Bipolar Disorder?
Due to the overlapping of the different symptoms that lay between Ring of Fire ADHD and bipolar disorder, there is a considerable chance of misdiagnosis, especially when it comes to children.
The aforementioned symptoms such as impulsivity, irritability, and aggression are prominent in both ADHD and bipolar disorder, but the timing and persistence of these symptoms vary over time. Bipolar disorder is all about episodic, intense changes in mood, with periods of extreme symptoms intersped by more typical periods. In contrast, Ring of Fire ADHD symptoms tend to be more consistent.
It can be the case, that an affected individual is diagnosed with both disorders simultaneously but if appropriate treatment is needed promptly, then the diagnosis should be done correctly and separately.
Read More: ADHD vs Bipolar Disorder: Comparing The Two Conditions
Causes of Ring of Fire
The “ring of fire” pattern that is observed on SPECT scans is linked with increased brain activity throughout the cerebral cortex and various other related brain regions. Amen suggests that this overactivity is connected to inflammation, infection, or allergies. Ring of Fire ADHD pattern may also be related to bipolar disorder but when it comes to ADHD, it is usually the result of combining factors that involve genetic and environmental variables (Magnus et al., 2023). The risk significantly increases with the contribution of viral infections, maternal smoking, maternal obesity and gestational diabetes, nutrient deficiencies, and alcohol exposure during the prenatal stage of the affected individual (before actual birth).
Ring of Fire ADHD Treatment
While there is no actual Ring of Fire ADHD test in existence as only an expert can diagnose an ADHD issue, ADHD’s Ring of Fire treatment does indeed exist. Be it other ADHD types or Ring of Fire, treatment is the same for any type of ADHD even if it is Ring of Fire ADHD in adults.
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Stimulants are the mainstay of ADHD treatment in terms of medication. As bipolar-like symptoms tend to get spiked because of these stimulants, non-stimulants can act better in this regard for treating ADHD as these contribute to the regulation of chemical reactions involving neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine. It is because their reuptake is stopped by stimulants, which essentially causes the symptoms similar to episodes of bipolar disorder to accentuate, which makes non-stimulants a better option for treating Ring of Fire ADHD.
Additionally, medication can be complemented by these treatment methods:
Elimination diet: It is believed that this type of ADHD is caused by an allergy or inflammation, an elimination diet can help identify at-fault allergens.
Supplements: Supplements such as L-tyrosine for ADHD, 5-HTP, and GABA, can help boost the neurotransmitters serotonin and GABA as they have been connected with improved ADHD symptoms.
Exercise: 30-45 minutes of exercise can reduce ADHD symptoms is important for reducing ADHD Ring of Fire symptoms such as hyperactivity and irritability.
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This is the end of the line here for the discussion of Ring of Fire ADHD. If it is treatment or therapy that you are looking for then you need to get a consultation from Orange Coast Psychiatry for treating not only Ring of Fire but also other problems such as Panic disorder, trauma, or acute stress.