Mental health and behavioral health are often used interchangeably and are often used when it comes to our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Behavioral health is clearly a new term when compared to mental health. This is because of the negative perception of the word “mental”. But they are not the same. Mental health is related to psychological and emotional matters, while behavioral health refers to the habits and behaviors that impact your physical health. In this blog, we will discover the definitions, relations, and differences between behavioral health and mental health.
Is Behavioral Health the Same as Mental Health?
Behavioral health and mental health are actually interlinked. So, a question may arise, is mental health the same as behavioral health?
No. It might not be easy to understand the difference between them. Mental health refers to the psychological and emotional state, which can be affected by things like biological factors or life experiences. In contrast, behavioral health focuses on behavior related to mental health disorders.
Let us understand it through the example. If someone is dealing with trauma because of an accident, then it is related to behavioral health. But it cannot be treated only with physical treatment. The part of treatment includes mental health treatment, specifically talk therapy to deal with emotions and fear. So, mental health falls under the umbrella of behavioral health.
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Behavioral Health
Behavioral health is a broad term that usually refers to the connection between behaviors and health. It is basically the connection between the well-being of the body, mind, and spirit. So the three main components of this are mental health, social functioning, and substance abuse. It also covers mental health and substance misuse concerns and also includes health-related problems.
70% of the primary care patients have behavioral health issues. It is often used interchangeably with mental health, but it is a broad term, and mental health lies inside behavioral health. Behavioral health is influenced by the connection of your physical and mental health.
Healthcare Services in Behavioral Health
As it refers to the connection between behavior and physical influence, it often includes a lot of healthcare services including:
- Mental Healthcare
- Psychiatric Care
- Management of Chronic Diseases
- Marriage and Family Counseling
- Substance Misuse Concerns
Common Behavioral Health Disorders
It includes substance use disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. Therefore, they often require a comprehensive approach to treat them. It is a long process method including prevention to rehabilitation.
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Mental Health
Mental health specifically concentrates on psychological and emotional aspects of well-being. It includes the components like identity, emotions, fear, perception, morality, and personality. Mental health usually depends on genetics, psychological state, and behaviors.
World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as “a condition of well-being in which each individual fulfills his or her own potential, can cope with typical stressors of life, can work successfully and fruitfully, and can contribute to his or her community.”
Common Mental Health Disorders
Mental health disorders vary in type and severity. The most common disorders include:
- Anxiety
- Medication Management
- Bipolar Disorder
- Depression
- Panic Disorder
- Mood Disorder
- Social Anxiety Disorder
Does Behavioral Health include Mental Health?
Yes, mental health is included in behavioral health, in fact, it is a part of it. If you want to take control of your mental health, then you must improve your behavioral health by coordinating your mind, body, and soul.
Why is Behavioural Health Important?
Behavioral health looks at the larger scale, and mental health falls inside of behavioral health, that is why it is important to prioritize behavioral health. So there is no mental vs behavioral health. If you want to enjoy a good life with mental peace, a person will have to take care of their behavioral health.
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Ways to Improve Behavioural Health
Working on behavioral health helps you stay fit and active. If you are a person who wants to control your mind as well as your body, consider paying attention to your behavioral health. There are multiple ways to improve your behavioral health, let us discuss each of them:
Modifying Your Lifestyle
The first method to supercharge your behavioral health is by making changes to your routine. Small changes in your life can promise you better health. Here are some steps that you can take to improve your behavioral health.
- Quality Sleep: Sleeping at a specified time and for 7 to 8 hours daily can help you improve your behavioral health as well as mental health.
- Balanced Diet: Nutrient-rich food, eating, and drinking mineral water on time can boost your physical health.
- Exercise: Exercising daily for at least 30 minutes helps you burn calories and releases stress, helping to achieve better health.
You do not have to follow all at once. Try to keep the schedule, but consistency is the key.
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Working on Interpersonal Skills
Interpersonal skills involve your interactions with people around you. You do not have to be an extrovert to improve your interpersonal skills, but there are techniques you can apply to improve your interpersonal skills to avoid loneliness and its consequences.
Here are some ways to improve your interpersonal talking. You can try actively listening, being respectful of other opinions, making eye contact, small gestures of gratitude, and kindness can help you improve your communication skills with others.
Improving Coping Mechanisms
There are different techniques to handle the situation. You just have to find out, which one is your cup of tea, and you can handle all the situations perfectly.
Some of the most common coping mechanisms include meditation, exercise, mindfulness, music listening, yoga, writing, and talking with friends.
Exploring Mental Health
As mental health is linked to behavioral health, so if you want to improve your behavioral health, you will have to understand mental health. You can do it by yourself by reading our blogs at Orange Coast Psychiatry, or you can contact us to get professional help.
If you feel stuck somewhere in your life, talking to a therapist can help you understand your problem.
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To conclude, mental health is a part of behavioral health. The difference between mental health and behavioral health is that mental health deals with emotions and behavioral health deals with pain points that trigger emotions. If you want to improve your mental health, you first have to work on your behavioral health. If you need any kind of medical help, whether in mental health or behavioral health, contact Orange Coast Psychiatry to get expert advice.